Sunday, January 17, 2010

An Abscessed Tooth can KILL You!

Swelling in the submandibular area in a patien...Image via Wikipedia     What you don't know about abscessed tooth can kill you.  Left untreated some of the complications can range from Ludwig's angina or facial cellulitis to septicemia, and from brain abscess to endocarditis.  All of these are serious infections that can be fatal.  An abscessed tooth is considered a medical emergency and can be treated at your local emergency room.  If you are disabled, elderly, or medically compromised and can not afford proper dental care and do not qualify for state aid then you may qualify for Donated Dental Services provided by NFDH.  The NFDH is a charitable affiliate of the American Dental Association and they have a network of 13,000 volunteer dentist and 3,000 volunteer laboratories.  They also offer house call services to those that can't get to a dentist office for whatever reason.  There is also another service that provides dental coverage known as  CHIP for children under the age of 19, and in some states their parents, who are low-income but do not qualify for medicaid.  This is a resource for any medical condition that will sometimes provide free prescriptions and care that is often overlooked and that is clinical trials.  Check their website often to see if you or experiencing symptoms for a disease that they are researching.  Clinical trials that are specifically geared toward dental problems are provided by the NIDCR.  You can also obtain care at your local health department.  And lastly, you can find quality dental care at a discounted price at your local dental college.  Some dental schools and dentist for that matter will sponsor and event certain times of the year where they will provide free services for the low income.  Another place that you can check is at Free Medical Clinics/Camps All Over the USA for a clinic in your state.
     Whichever avenue you chose to meet your dental needs, remember that an abscessed tooth is no laughing matter.  Seek out care because your life may depend on it.
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  1. Maybe, abscessed tooth or gums are just a common dental problem which can be easily cured. But, the common dental problem can be so dangerous if we don't cure them right away. When I had abscess on my gum for 1 week. With that, I visited my dentist in Murfreesboro (TN). He gave me prescribed medicines, tips to ease pain, and advised me to eat healthy food which are rich in vitamins. I thanked god that the advice of my dentist (Murfreesboro-based) works!

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