This is a good site if you are in the right area. You can go to to find assistance. This is a network of 150 nonprofit organizations located in 33 states helping families with low income acquire a vehicle. If you are so fortunate to donate a vehicle if it can be repaired, please visit their site and help out someone today. They can give you all the information you need about tax deductions that are still allowable on vehicle donation. You can also go on the Internet and look under free cars and there are sites that will find you a car to drive that is free, but you have to give it back in 5 years or sooner. They will also pay you $400.00 to $ 500.00 dollars a month to drive your own but they will cover it with removable advertisements, and they require that you drive long distances and in populated areas. These cars are provided by advertisers and not dealers and you will usually have to pay a small fee to gain access to there site. If you live in Davidson County in Tn go to and click on the Ways to Work tab, and you will get the contact information for their assistance.
Get sign-up information for a chance at driving a car for Free.
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