Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Could You Use Some Free Surgery or Meds?

Newspaper advertisements seeking patients and ...Image via Wikipedia
     I once met a lady at the hospital that told me because of her medical conditions that she could not get insurance.  She said that she had even been on the Montel show about it.  I having lots of coverage pondered about how that would feel, being in the ER with no coverage.  This is an issue that alot of people face and it terrified me.  Here is a suggestion for you if you have no way to get coverage.  You can go to http://www.centerwatch.com/ and look up clinical trials for your medical conditions.   If you get accepted into one in your area you could get free medical care for the duration of the trial.  Not only could you receive excellent care, but you could  possibly be getting a jump start on new up and coming therapies, but you could also be a part of valuable research that can change the outcome for millions of patients.  If you get into Phase IV of a trial, you could receive care for years.  While you are on their website, look under patient notification and you can put your email address down and check up to 24 medical conditions that  affect you.  When a trial becomes available in your area, they will notify you via e-mail.  You can also go to http://www.clinicaltrails.gov/ to see their listings.  There are inclusion/exclusion criteria that you have to meet to be accepted.  You will also need the approval of your family doctor.  Go to http://clinicalstudies.info.nih.gov/ and type in the keywords: healthy and normal.  This site studies mental health issues and uses healthy individuals for their research.  They also compensate you for your time.  If you volunteer for clinical studies for money then you should make sure that they are governed by the FDA.  They set strict guideline for these studies.  Whether it be for money or medication you are helping advance medical treatment and considering there are risk involved this is a very honorable quest.  Good luck on your journey.
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